GUARANTEED AGAINST ZOMBIE ATTACKS: This Tough .30 Cal Ammo Box Probably Wouldn't Survive a Direct Hit But Zombies Won't Have a Chance
Made In USA by American Patriots - Tough enough to survive the coming disasters.. This Sturdy 30 Cal. Ammo Box Seals Moisture Out With an O-Ring and is LOCK-able. Buy a Spare One; One for a Loved One and One for a Friend. RECOMMENDED by Master Survivalists and Home Gardening Enthusiasts.
ACRES OF LIFE SUSTAINING FOOD: 100% Open Pollinated Heritage Seeds Will Feed Your Family Through Any Disaster and Beyond.
EASY TO GROW with our FREE Downloadable PDF Guide for Planting and Storing Your Seeds to MAXIMIZE Your Investment. Whether Square Foot Gardening or Mini-Farming, This is the Perfect Pack.
LIST OF OUR HAND PACKED SEEDS: Hover your mouse over the 2nd Image From Top on the LEFT SIDE of Your Screen
$7.20 Honeynut Squash Seeds - Grow from The Same Seeds As Farmers - Packaged and Sold by Harris Seeds / Garden Trends - Harris Seeds: Supplying Growers Since 1879 - USDA Certified Organic - 50 Seeds
$4.99 Sow Right Seeds - Yellow Scallop Summer Squash Seed for Planting - Non-GMO Heirloom Packet with Instructions to Plant a Home Vegetable Garden