catalog | fertilizer vegetable | Monterey LG 7265 Fish & Guano Liquid Plant Fertilizer for Transplants and Flowers, 32 oz
Monterey LG 7265 Fish & Guano Liquid Plant Fertilizer for Transplants and Flowers, 32 oz, best price $12.97, bestseller 2025
Monterey LG 7265 Fish & Guano Liquid Plant Fertilizer for Transplants and Flowers, 32 oz Photo
$12.97 You can buy now!
Monterey LG 7265 Fish & Guano Liquid Plant Fertilizer for Transplants and Flowers, 32 oz characteristics and description:
Natural fertilizer - this organic concentrated fertilizer is made of liquid fish and bird guano. This is a high Analysis 9-6-2 natural fertilizer that can be applied monthly during the growing season.
Concentrated formula - This is a concentrated mix that should be mixed with water before use. Simply use ½ FL. Oz. Of concentrate per gallon of water, shake well and keep the solution mixed during application.
Synergistic matrix - the fertilizer is so effective because the blend of fish based nutrients with guano forms a synergistic matrix that develops a cohesive partnership for vigorous plant growth, It works like a miracle.
Variety of Use - whether at home or on a farm, this liquid fertilizer is excellent for your flowers, trees, transplants, and vegetables. It will also help any houseplant and indoor or outdoor Ornamental bloom and grow to be looking their best!
Accelerate growth - this flower food promotes beautiful growth and big blooms on all plants. It works best applied with a sprayer or directly in the early morning or late afternoon. Use as a foliar spray or as a soil drench on the grass lawn below.
Monterey LG 7265 Fish & Guano Liquid Plant Fertilizer for Transplants and Flowers, 32 oz best price $12.97, bestseller 2025
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