catalog | Radish seeds | David's Garden Seeds Radish Green Luobo Improved 5453 (Green) 200 Non-GMO, Open Pollinated Seeds
David's Garden Seeds Radish Green Luobo Improved 5453 (Green) 200 Non-GMO, Open Pollinated Seeds, best price $3.95, bestseller 2025
David's Garden Seeds Radish Green Luobo Improved 5453 (Green) 200 Non-GMO, Open Pollinated Seeds Photo
$3.95 You can buy now!
David's Garden Seeds Radish Green Luobo Improved 5453 (Green) 200 Non-GMO, Open Pollinated Seeds characteristics and description:
Harvest in about 60 days
Seeds are Non-GMO, easy to grow and hand packed by David's Garden Seeds in the United States of America
Green radish has been said to aid with digestion
Green radish is a common food ingredient in Asian cooking they can be used in soups and stews when cooked green radish produces a mild distinct flavor
Germination rate about 80% and better
David's Garden Seeds Radish Green Luobo Improved 5453 (Green) 200 Non-GMO, Open Pollinated Seeds best price $3.95, bestseller 2025
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