Outsidepride Strawberry Spinach - 5000 Seeds, best price $6.49, bestseller 2025

Photo Outsidepride Strawberry Spinach - 5000 Seeds, best price $6.49, bestseller 2025

Outsidepride Strawberry Spinach - 5000 Seeds Photo

$6.49 You can buy now!

Outsidepride Strawberry Spinach - 5000 Seeds characteristics and description:

  • If you want an easy to grow plant which is quite unique, ideal for the border or patio containers, and produces edible fruits, then Chenopodium Strawberry Sticks is your answer. Strawberry Sticks is a base-branching annual with colorful strawberry-like fruits all along the stems from top to bottom.
  • Strawberry spinach is a 16 - 20 inch tall annual plant growing in USDA zones 2 - 8.
  • Chenopodium is typically grown in USDA zones 2 - 8. Does not like to be transplanted so sow Strawberry Sticks seeds where you want to grow the plant. Sow Strawberry Spinach seeds by direct sowing them on the soil surface and scratching them in.
  • Deadhead if you do not want any volunteers coming back. Give the plants rich soil and ample water for the best growth. The leaves of this plant taste very similar to spinach, and while the berries are a bit bland in flavor, they make a nice decoration to a summer salad!
  • Sow 3 - 5 seeds per plant to begin growing your strawberry spinach plants today.

Outsidepride Strawberry Spinach - 5000 Seeds best price $6.49, bestseller 2025

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