-Oranžna Odvisnih Coral Ribe (črtasto)

latinsko ime: Coradion Chrysozonus

angleščina ime: Orange-Banded Coralfish

-Oranžna Odvisnih Coral Ribe, Coradion Chrysozonus črtasto fotografija

-Oranžna Odvisnih Coral Ribe (Coradion Chrysozonus) fotografija

rast in nega:

stopnja negoza izkušene akvarist
plasti habitata v akvarijusrednji sloj, spodnji sloj
tip akvarijazapri
združljivostni podatka
dno v akvarijuni podatka
minimalna velikost akvarijane manj kot 500 litrov
svetlobne potrebezmerno
temperatura vodeblizu 25°c

-Oranžna Odvisnih Coral Ribe značilnosti in opis:

družinametulj ribe
telo oblika ribtrikotni
barva ribčrtasto
habitatmorske ribe
dolžina rib10-20 cm
temperamentni podatka

Lahko kupite -Oranžna Odvisnih Coral Ribe v spletnih trgovinah.

katalog: Akvarijske Ribice

Osem Odvisnih Metulj Ribe
Osem Odvisnih Metulj Ribe
Tinkeri Butterflyfish
Tinkeri Butterflyfish
Western Talma
Western Talma
Barberfish, Blacknosed Butterflyfish
Barberfish, Blacknosed Butterflyfish
Sixspine Butterflyfish
Sixspine Butterflyfish
Morski Atlantic Butterflyfish
Morski Atlantic Butterflyfish

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

0,00 €

15,29 €

9,99 €

1,09 €

20,39 €

9,99 €

9,99 €

4,99 €

14,95 €

8,22 €

14,21 €

14,90 € (1,49 € / kg)

4,65 €

24,26 €

11,99 €

4,80 €
$1,125.00 Midwest Tropical Fountain 25 Gallon Aqua Coffee Table Aquarium Tank
$0.00 Seattle Aquarium Flash Briefing
$10.00 In-Fisherman
$37.95 Premier Kites Swimming Fish - Bass
$23.99 ($6.00 / Count) capetsma 4X Crystal Glass Aquarium Plant Pot, Aquarium Aquatic Planter, Red Shrimp Live Plants Fish Tank Glass Holder with 4X Suction Cups for Aquarium Fish Tank Decorations … (4 Pack)…
$135.00 Penn-Plax Striped Sail Shipwreck Aquarium Decoration 2PC Large Over 19 Inches High for Large Fish Tanks, Multi (RR961)
$21.99 Frienda 8 Pieces Glowing Fish Tank Decorations Plants with 2 Style Glowing Kelp, Sea Anemone, Simulation Coral, Jellyfish, Lotus Leaf, Mushroom for Aquarium Fish Tank Glow Ornament


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