Have Blomster Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Danse Daisy, Latinamerikanske Fleabane, Seaside Daisy

Latinske navn: Erigeron karvinskianus

Engelske navn: Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Dancing Daisy, Latin American Fleabane, Seaside Daisy

Have Blomster Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Danse Daisy, Latinamerikanske Fleabane, Seaside Daisy, Erigeron  karvinskianus hvid Foto
Have Blomster Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Danse Daisy, Latinamerikanske Fleabane, Seaside Daisy, Erigeron  karvinskianus pink Foto

Have Blomster Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Danse Daisy, Latinamerikanske Fleabane, Seaside Daisy, Erigeron karvinskianus Foto

Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Danse Daisy, Latinamerikanske Fleabane, Seaside Daisy egenskaber og beskrivelse:

plantens højde (cm)5-30 cm
timingen af blomstringefteråret, august, juli, juni
landskab brugcontainer, blomsterbed, border, klippehave
blomst størrelselille
duftende blomsteringen duft
type stamcelleroprejst
giftig planteikke giftig plante
blomst farvepink, hvid

Erigeron karvinskianus dyrkning, pleje og voksende:

lys behovfuld sol
dyrkningsmetodeikke kimplanter
ly om vinterenkræver læ
jordens surhedsgradalkalisk jord, neutral jord
jordtypesandet lerjord, lerjord
kolde hårdførhed zone5 (-29 til -23°c), 6 (-23 til -18°c), 7 (-18 til -12°c), 8 (-12 til -7°c), 9 (-7 til -1°c)

*Nogle karakteristika er relevante for et tempereret klima

Du kan købe Have Blomster Mexican Daisy, Santa Barbara Daisy, Danse Daisy, Latinamerikanske Fleabane, Seaside Daisy i online-butikker (kimplanter, frø).

katalog: Have Blomster

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Hjælp venligst projektet! Venligst del det! Tak skal du have!


Hjælp venligst projektet: Tak skal du have!

1,90 €

2,01 €

39,99 € (0,40 € / stück)

2,88 €

1,70 €

1,99 € (0,01 € / stück)

5,99 € (59,90 € / KG)

8,30 € (4,15 € / 100 g)

12,99 € (0,93 € / stück)

9,99 € (1,25 € / count)

2,36 € (236,00 € / kg)

12,95 € (103,60 € / kg)
$24.99 Little Planters Paint & Grow Fairy Garden with Real Flowers and Magical Fairies - Paint, Plant and Grow Morning Glory, Marigold and Alyssum Flowers - Craft Kit for Kids All Ages Both Girls and Boys
$12.99 ($0.00 / Count) Bulk Package of 7,000 Seeds, Crazy Mix Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) Non-GMO Seeds by Seed Needs
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$13.95 ($0.00 / Count) BIG PACK - (60,000+) Alyssum Royal Carpet Seeds - Fragrant Lobularia maritima - Attracts Honey Bees, Butterfly - Ground Cover for Zones 3+ Flower Seeds By MySeeds.Co (Big Pack - Alyssum Royal Carpet)
$7.97 Sweet Yards Seed Co. Black Eyed Susan Seeds – Extra Large Packet – Over 100,000 Open Pollinated Non-GMO Wildflower Seeds – Rudbeckia hirta
$15.95 ($0.00 / Count) 130,000+ Pure Wildflower Seeds - Premium Texas Flower Seeds [3 Oz] Perennial Garden Seeds for Birds & Butterflies - Wild Flowers Bulk Seeds Perennial: 22 Varieties Flower Seed for Planting


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