$27.68 Espoma Holly-tone 4-3-4 Natural & Organic Evergreen & Azalea Plant Food; 18 lb. Bag; The Original & Best Fertilizer for all Acid Loving Plants including Rhododendrons & Hydrangeas.
$12.99 Purely Organic Tree & Shrub Fertilizer Plant Food Spikes (Box of 6 Spikes)
$5.98 Jobe’s 02010, Fertilizer Spikes, For Trees & Shrubs, 5 Spikes
$16.56 Voluntary Purchasing Group Fertilome 10864 Tree and Shrub Food, 19-8-10, 4-Pound
$22.30 Jobe's Organics Tree & Shrub Fertilizer Spikes, 10 Spikes