Dolgozhdannaya Photo
Cherry Dolgozhdannaya characteristics
the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high ripening period: average
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 Pamyati Vavilova (Urozhajjnaya Kharitonovojj, № 61) Photo
Cherry Pamyati Vavilova (Urozhajjnaya Kharitonovojj, № 61) characteristics
coma type: tall the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: small (from 2 to 4 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high ripening period: average
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 Pamyati Mashkina Photo
Cherry Pamyati Mashkina characteristics
coma type: undersized the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high ripening period: average
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 Pamyat Sakharova Photo
Cherry Pamyat Sakharova characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: small (from 2 to 4 g) taste: sweet hardiness: high ripening period: average
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 Prevoskhodnaya Kolesnikovojj Photo
Cherry Prevoskhodnaya Kolesnikovojj characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium ripening period: average
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 Raspletka (Visloukha, Raspletka saratovskaya, Shpanka) Photo
Cherry Raspletka (Visloukha, Raspletka saratovskaya, Shpanka) characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: dark-red use: culinary processing berry size: small (from 2 to 4 g) taste: sour hardiness: high ripening period: average
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 Rossoshanskaya chernaya Photo
Cherry Rossoshanskaya chernaya characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: black use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium ripening period: average
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 Ryazanochka Photo
Cherry Ryazanochka characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high ripening period: average
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 Saniya Photo
Cherry Saniya characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium ripening period: average
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 Stojjkaya Photo
Cherry Stojjkaya characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium ripening period: average
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 Chernokorka Photo
Cherry Chernokorka characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: black use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet hardiness: medium ripening period: average
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 Igrushka Photo
Cherry Igrushka characteristics
coma type: tall the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: big (more 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: low ripening period: average
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 Shalunya Photo
Cherry Shalunya characteristics
coma type: tall the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: average (from 4 to 6 g) taste: sweet hardiness: medium ripening period: average
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 Nochka Photo
Cherry Nochka characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: big (more 6 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium ripening period: average
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 Prima Photo
Cherry Prima characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: dark-red use: universal berry size: small (from 2 to 4 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high ripening period: average
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 Zmeinogorskaya Photo
Cherry Zmeinogorskaya characteristics
coma type: medium height the color of the rind: red use: universal berry size: small (from 2 to 4 g) taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium ripening period: average
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