Volna Photo
Plum Volna characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Duche (Dyuche, Dyuga) Photo
Plum Duche (Dyuche, Dyuga) characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sour hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Skoroplodnaya Photo
Plum Skoroplodnaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Tikhookeanskaya (Ananasnaya) Photo
Plum Tikhookeanskaya (Ananasnaya) characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Khabarovskaya rannyaya Photo
Plum Khabarovskaya rannyaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: early
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Khabarovskaya zheltaya Photo
Plum Khabarovskaya zheltaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Vishnesliva GAJjOVATA Photo
Plum Vishnesliva GAJjOVATA characteristics
the size of the fruit: small (less 20 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Renklod Liya Photo
Plum Renklod Liya characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: early
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Opal Photo
Plum Opal characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Krasnoselskaya Photo
Plum Krasnoselskaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Piramidalnaya Photo
Plum Piramidalnaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: small (less 20 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Chemalskaya krupnaya Photo
Plum Chemalskaya krupnaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Krasnyjj shar Photo
Plum Krasnyjj shar characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Nezhenka Photo
Plum Nezhenka characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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Yakhontovaya Photo
Plum Yakhontovaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: early
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Gilbert Photo
Plum Gilbert characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sweet and sour hardiness: low the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: early
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