Chernosliv Khabarovskijj Photo
Plum Chernosliv Khabarovskijj characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: average
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 Shiro Photo
Plum Shiro characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: average
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 Zhjoltaya kompotnaya Photo
Plum Zhjoltaya kompotnaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sweet and sour coma type: tall hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: average
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 Renklod kolkhoznyjj Photo
Plum Renklod kolkhoznyjj characteristics
the size of the fruit: small (less 20 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: average
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 Sinijj dar Photo
Plum Sinijj dar characteristics
the size of the fruit: small (less 20 g) the color of the rind: blue taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: culinary processing ripening period: average
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 Krasnoshhekaya Photo
Plum Krasnoshhekaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: small (less 20 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: average
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 Nika Photo
Plum Nika characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: blue taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: oval use: fresh ripening period: average
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 Ballada Photo
Plum Ballada characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: low the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: average
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 Red Khart Photo
Plum Red Khart characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sour coma type: tall hardiness: low the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: average
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 Valor Photo
Plum Valor characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: blue taste: sour hardiness: low the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: average
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 Yubileum Photo
Plum Yubileum characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: average
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 Vengerka moskovskaya Photo
Plum Vengerka moskovskaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: small (less 20 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: culinary processing ripening period: average
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 Volgogradskaya Photo
Plum Volgogradskaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: average
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 Kometa pozdnyaya Photo
Plum Kometa pozdnyaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour coma type: tall hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: average
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 Kolonnovidnaya Photo
Plum Kolonnovidnaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: average
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 Gek Photo
Plum Gek characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: average
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