Pamyat Timiryazeva Photo
Plum Pamyat Timiryazeva characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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Vengerka voronezhskaya Photo
Plum Vengerka voronezhskaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: blue taste: sweet and sour coma type: tall hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: late
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Tulskaya chjornaya Photo
Plum Tulskaya chjornaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: blue taste: sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: late
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Renklod tambovskijj Photo
Plum Renklod tambovskijj characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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Neznakomka Photo
Plum Neznakomka characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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Aleksijj Photo
Plum Aleksijj characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour coma type: undersized hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: late
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Oda Photo
Plum Oda characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sweet and sour hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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Vengerka Pulkovskaya Photo
Plum Vengerka Pulkovskaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour coma type: tall hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: late
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Stenli Photo
Plum Stenli characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: late
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Sonejjka (diploidnaya sliva) Photo
Plum Sonejjka (diploidnaya sliva) characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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Zolotaya kaplya Photo
Plum Zolotaya kaplya characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: late
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Vengerka italyanskaya Photo
Plum Vengerka italyanskaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour coma type: medium height hardiness: low the shape of the fruit: oval use: universal ripening period: late
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Mara (diploidnaya) Photo
Plum Mara (diploidnaya) characteristics
the size of the fruit: average (from 20 to 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sweet and sour hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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Bolkhovchanka Photo
Plum Bolkhovchanka characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: red taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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Zolotistaya krupnaya Photo
Plum Zolotistaya krupnaya characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: yellow taste: sweet and sour coma type: medium height hardiness: medium the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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Mechta Photo
Plum Mechta characteristics
the size of the fruit: big (more 30 g) the color of the rind: purple taste: sour coma type: tall hardiness: high the shape of the fruit: rounded use: universal ripening period: late
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