Aladin Photo
Potatoes Aladin characteristics
the shape of the fruit: oval the smoothness of the potato peel: rough origin: cultivar color: red flesh color: white cultivation region: South Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Fontane Photo
Potatoes Fontane characteristics
the shape of the fruit: extended the smoothness of the potato peel: rough origin: cultivar color: yellow flesh color: cream ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Lambada Photo
Potatoes Lambada characteristics
the shape of the fruit: extended the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: yellow flesh color: yellow cultivation region: North-West Russia, Center Of Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Slavyanka Photo
Potatoes Slavyanka characteristics
the shape of the fruit: extended the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: red flesh color: cream cultivation region: Center Of Russia, South Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Solnechnyjj Photo
Potatoes Solnechnyjj characteristics
the shape of the fruit: rounded the smoothness of the potato peel: rough origin: cultivar color: yellow flesh color: yellow cultivation region: Siberia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Nakra Photo
Potatoes Nakra characteristics
the shape of the fruit: oval the smoothness of the potato peel: rough origin: cultivar color: red flesh color: yellow cultivation region: Far East, Siberia, Center Of Russia, North-West Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Ketskijj Photo
Potatoes Ketskijj characteristics
the shape of the fruit: oval the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: white flesh color: cream cultivation region: Siberia, Far East ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Yugana Photo
Potatoes Yugana characteristics
the shape of the fruit: oval the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: yellow flesh color: white cultivation region: Siberia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Provento Photo
Potatoes Provento characteristics
the shape of the fruit: rounded the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: yellow flesh color: yellow ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Mustang Photo
Potatoes Mustang characteristics
the shape of the fruit: rounded the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: red flesh color: yellow ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Cilvana Photo
Potatoes Cilvana characteristics
the shape of the fruit: oval the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: yellow flesh color: yellow cultivation region: North-West Russia, Center Of Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Siren Photo
Potatoes Siren characteristics
the shape of the fruit: extended the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: purple flesh color: purple cultivation region: Center Of Russia, North-West Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Zhivica Photo
Potatoes Zhivica characteristics
the shape of the fruit: rounded the smoothness of the potato peel: rough origin: cultivar color: yellow flesh color: cream cultivation region: Center Of Russia, North-West Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Sineglazka Photo
Potatoes Sineglazka characteristics
the shape of the fruit: rounded the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: white flesh color: white cultivation region: South Russia, Center Of Russia, North-West Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Krinica Photo
Potatoes Krinica characteristics
the shape of the fruit: rounded the smoothness of the potato peel: rough origin: cultivar color: yellow flesh color: yellow cultivation region: Center Of Russia, South Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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Simfoniya Photo
Potatoes Simfoniya characteristics
the shape of the fruit: oval the smoothness of the potato peel: smooth origin: cultivar color: red flesh color: yellow cultivation region: Far East, Siberia, South Russia, Center Of Russia, North-West Russia ripening period: average (from 90 to 110 days)
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