Tikvići kultivar Foto, uzgajanje i opis, karakteristike i uzgoj

Tikvići Faraon kultivar

Tikvići  Faraon kultivar Foto

Tikvići Faraon kultivar Foto

Faraon (kultivar) karakteristike i opis:

težinamanje 1 kg
forma plodovacilindrična

uzgajanje, briga i uzgoj:

vrijeme sazrijevanjapano

*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu

Možeš kupiti Tikvići Faraon u online trgovinama (sadnice, sjemena).

Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!


Pomozite projektu: Hvala vam!

4,56 €

6,29 €

3,00 €

3,35 €

3,99 €

3,99 €

1,80 €

2,59 €

3,67 €

3,59 €

4,36 €

3,88 €
$69.99 ($0.00 / Count) HOME GROWN Heirloom Vegetable Seeds - 27,500+ Seeds - 55 Variety of Non GMO Vegetable Seeds for Planting Home Garden, Homestead and Survival Gardening Seeds - Seeds for Planting Fruits and Vegetables
$5.49 500 Buttercrunch Lettuce Seeds for Planting - Heirloom Non-GMO Vegetable Seeds for Planting - Hydroponics - Microgreens - AKA Butterhead Lettuce, Boston Lettuce, Bibb Lettuce
$8.99 Seeds Squash Zucchini Light Green Heirloom Vegetable for Planting Non GMO
$2.51 ($0.05 / Count) 50 Black Beauty Zucchini Summer Squash Cucurbita Pepo Vegetable Seeds
$4.99 Sow Right Seeds - Yellow Scallop Summer Squash Seed for Planting  - Non-GMO Heirloom Packet with Instructions to Plant a Home Vegetable Garden
$7.95 Park Seed Easter Egg Plant Seeds


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Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne Biljke