Tikvići kultivar Foto, uzgajanje i opis, karakteristike i uzgoj

Tikvići Zolotojj klyuchik kultivar

Tikvići  Zolotojj klyuchik kultivar Foto

Tikvići Zolotojj klyuchik kultivar Foto

Zolotojj klyuchik (kultivar) karakteristike i opis:

težinamanje 1 kg
forma plodovacilindrična

uzgajanje, briga i uzgoj:

vrijeme sazrijevanjapano

*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu

Možeš kupiti Tikvići Zolotojj klyuchik u online trgovinama (sadnice, sjemena).

Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!


Pomozite projektu: Hvala vam!

6,29 €

2,95 €

2,59 €

1,70 €

3,96 €

2,59 €

2,59 €

3,95 €

4,36 €

3,88 €

1,69 €

3,49 €
$279.00 #1 HEIRLOOM & ORGANIC SEED KITARK SEED KITS All-In-One Seed Kit 100% Heirloom/Organic Seed Invest! Save! Heath! Store Up! 70 Varieties & 50,000+ Seeds of Fruits, Vegetables, Medicinal & Culinary Herbs
$26.57 Burpee Culinary Classics Garden Collection 10 Packets of Non-GMO Chives, Cilantro, Basil, Sage, Thyme, Dill, Parsley, Chamomile, Marjoram & Oregano | Kitchen Herb Variety Pack, Seeds for Planting
$4.48 Black Eyed Susan Seeds - Rudbeckia Hirta - Attracts Butterflies Non GMO 10,000 Seeds
$5.99 ($0.12 / Count) Slenderette Green Bean (Bush Bean) Seeds, 50+ Heirloom Seeds Per Packet, (Isla's Garden Seeds), Non GMO Seeds, Scientific Name: Phaseolus vulgaris
$4.59 Red Romaine Lettuce Seeds- Heirloom- 2,000+ Seeds by Ohio Heirloom Seeds
$4.99 Survival Garden Seeds - Round Zucchini Seed for Planting - Pack with Instructions to Plant and Grow Small Green Zucchinis in Your Home Vegetable Garden - Non-GMO Heirloom Variety


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Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne Biljke