Dinja Serebristaya (armyanskijj ogurec) kultivar

Dinja  Serebristaya (armyanskijj ogurec) kultivar Foto

Dinja Serebristaya (armyanskijj ogurec) kultivar Foto

Serebristaya (armyanskijj ogurec) (kultivar) karakteristike i opis:

forma plodovaprodužna
težina plodaviše 3 kg
boja pulpenema podataka
boja kožesiva-zelena

uzgajanje, briga i uzgoj:

vrijeme sazrijevanjanema podataka
metoda rastućezatvorena zemlja

*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu

Možeš kupiti Dinja Serebristaya (armyanskijj ogurec) u online trgovinama (sadnice, sjemena).

Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!


Pomozite projektu: Hvala vam!

3,99 €

2,35 €

4,66 €

2,99 €

3,99 €

1,70 € (1,70 € / count)

3,23 €

14,99 €

4,90 €

19,99 €

2,75 €

6,77 €
$5.95 Orange Melon Seeds | Melon Seeds for Planting Outdoor Gardens | Heirloom & Non-GMO | Planting Instructions Included
$7.99 50 Pcs Non-GMO Bitter Gourd Seeds Bitter Melon Seeds Bitter Squash Seeds Balsam Pear
$5.99 Gaea's Blessing Seeds - Cantaloupe Seeds (2.5g) Hales Best Jumbo Non-GMO Seeds with Easy to Follow Planting Instructions - Heirloom Melon 90% Germination Rate
$4.99 Survival Garden Seeds - Hale's Best Melon Seed for Planting - Grow Juicy Cantaloupe for Eating - Packet with Instructions to Plant in Your Home Vegetable Garden - Non-GMO Heirloom Variety
$9.99 Bitter Melon Bitter Squash Balsam Pear Bitter Gourd Seeds 10PCS Non GMO (White)
$8.99 ($0.90 / Count) 10 Seeds Shark fin Melon chilacayote fig leaved Malabar Gourd Heirloom Very Rare


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