Malina Vesta kultivar
Malina Vesta kultivar Foto
Vesta (kultivar) karakteristike i opis:
boja bobice crvena
forma bobice produžna
veličina voća velike (od 3 do 4 g)
visina biljke nema podataka
okus kiseo-sladak
korištenje univerzalan
uzgajanje, briga i uzgoj:
vrijeme sazrijevanja nema podataka
plodni dani ne remontantna (no remontant)
zimska izdržljivost srednja
*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu
Možeš kupiti Malina Vesta u online trgovinama (sadnice, sjemena).
Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!
Pomozite projektu:
Hvala vam!
12,95 €
12,99 €
4,95 €
32,90 €
19,95 €
23,99 €
5,25 €
6,40 €
44,99 €
9,95 €
31,99 €
9,95 €
$37.95 3 Heritage everbearing red raspberry plants (3 Lrg 2yr Bare Root Canes) Zone 3-8
$29.00 2 Caroline Red - Raspberry Plant - Everbearing - All Natural Grown - Ready for Fall Planting
$32.99 Polka Raspberry Bare Root - Non-GMO - Nearly THORNLESS - Produces Large, Firm Berries with Good Flavor - Wrapped in Coco Coir - GreenEase by ENROOT (4)
$49.95 5 Joan J Raspberry Plants-Everbearing, Thornless (5 Lrg 2 Yrs Bare Root Canes)
$33.99 Bushel and Berry™ - Vaccinium Pink Icing (Blueberry) Edible-Shrub, , #2 - Size Container
$52.99 Amagabeli 4 Pack Garden Trellis for Climbing Plants 46" x 15" Rustproof Sturdy Black Iron Trellis Plants Support Metal Trellis for Climbing Rose Vine Vegetable Flower Ivy Grape Cucumber Clematis GT02
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