kultivar Foto, uzgajanje i opis, karakteristike i uzgoj

Bojjsenberri (Boysenberry) ezhemalina kultivar

 Bojjsenberri (Boysenberry) ezhemalina kultivar Foto

Bojjsenberri (Boysenberry) ezhemalina kultivar Foto

Bojjsenberri (Boysenberry) ezhemalina (kultivar) karakteristike i opis:

boja bobicecrno
forma bobiceprodužna
veličina voćavelike (od 3 do 4 g)
visina biljkevisoka (više 2 m)

uzgajanje, briga i uzgoj:

vrijeme sazrijevanjanema podataka
plodni danine remontantna (no remontant)
zimska izdržljivostvisoka

*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu

Možeš kupiti Bojjsenberri (Boysenberry) ezhemalina u online trgovinama (sadnice, sjemena).

Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!


Pomozite projektu: Hvala vam!

12,99 €

12,99 €

22,95 € (2,30 € / stück)

3,25 €

14,95 €

12,99 €

11,99 €

30,90 € (3,09 € / KG)

44,99 €

11,95 €

24,99 €

9,95 €
$28.95 2 Dorman Red - Raspberry Plant - Everbearing - All Natural Grown - Ready for Fall Planting
$19.95 Fall Gold Raspberry Plant - Yellow Ever-Bearing Edible Fruit - 1 Bare Root Plant by Grower's Solution
$49.95 ($8.32 / Count) BlackBerry Triple Crown Plants-Garden- Fruit-Thorn-Less-Live Plant-6pk by Grower's Solution
$29.47 Rubus 'Heritage' (Raspberry) Edible-Shrub, red raspberry, #2 - Size Container
$19.19 ($0.77 / Count) 25 Earliglow Strawberry Plants - Bareroot - The Earliest Berry!
$9.99 Ram-Pro 40 Piece Green Gentle Gardening Plant & Flower Lever Loop Gripper Clips, Tool for Supporting or Straightening Plant Stems, Stalks, and Vines, Garden Clips


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Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne grmovi i drveta, Sobne biljke
Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne Biljke