Malina kultivar Foto, uzgajanje i opis, karakteristike i uzgoj

Malina Bryanskaya kultivar

Malina  Bryanskaya kultivar Foto

Malina Bryanskaya kultivar Foto

Bryanskaya (kultivar) karakteristike i opis:

boja bobicecrvena
forma bobiceokrugla
veličina voćavelike (od 3 do 4 g)
visina biljkevisoka (više 2 m)

uzgajanje, briga i uzgoj:

vrijeme sazrijevanjapano
plodni danine remontantna (no remontant)
zimska izdržljivostvisoka

*Neke karakteristike su relevantne za umjerenu klimu

Možeš kupiti Malina Bryanskaya u online trgovinama (sadnice, sjemena).

Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!


Pomozite projektu: Hvala vam!

21,99 €

3,49 €

8,99 € (11,99 € / kg)

18,99 €

11,37 € (3,79 € / stück)

6,65 €

6,50 €

13,99 € (0,35 € / l)

32,90 €

49,99 € (12,50 € / stück)

16,99 €

10,99 €
$59.95 Premier Plant Solutions 19858 Bushel and Berry Dwarf Thornless Red (Rubus) Strawberry, 2 Gallon, Raspberry Shortcake
$25.99 ($6.50 / Count) BlackBerry Plants "Prime-Ark Freedom" Price Includes Four (4) Plants
$59.99 Pixies Gardens Thompson Seedless Grape Vine Plant Sweet Excellent Flavored"White" Green Grape Large Clusters On Vigorous Growing Vines. (1 Gallon)
$49.95 Polka Raspberry - 5 Red Raspberry Plants - Everbearing - Organic Grown -
$33.99 Bushel and Berry™ - Vaccinium Pink Icing (Blueberry) Edible-Shrub, , #2 - Size Container
$29.95 Redeo 2 Chester Thornless BlackBerry Plants, Organically Grown, Best in Zone 5-9.

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Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne grmovi i drveta, Sobne biljke
Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne Biljke