Sobne biljke Grevillea drveta zelena zelena
Sobne biljke Grevillea Foto
Grevillea drveta karakteristike i opis:
tip biljke (Unutarnja Biljka) drveta
boja lista zelena
forma listova pernati
toksičnost ne otrovna biljka/ne toksična biljka
visina biljke (cm) više 150 cm
tip stabla uspravan
uzgajanje, briga i uzgoj:
razdoblje mira ne
vlažnost zraka umjeren
potrebna rasvjeta svijetlo rasijano svjetlo
raspored unutarnjih biljaka istočni prozor, zapadni prozor
složenost uzgoja srednje težine
učestalost zalijevanja umjereno
Možeš kupiti Sobne biljke Grevillea u online trgovinama (sadnice, sjemena).
katalog: Sobne biljke
Pomozite projektu! Podijelite ga! Hvala vam!
Pomozite projektu:
Hvala vam!
28,76 € (28,76 € / l)
19,99 €
13,90 € (5,56 € / KG)
5,70 € (7,92 € / l)
8,65 € (8,65 € / l)
19,90 €
5,35 €
12,89 € (9,15 € / kg)
10,99 €
13,95 € (13,95 € / liter)
5,90 € (11,80 € / l)
6,92 € (17,30 € / l)
$13.99 Indoor Plant Food | All-purpose House Plant Fertilizer | Liquid Common Houseplant Fertilizers for Potted Planting Soil | by Aquatic Arts
$11.49 Indoor Plant Food, All-Purpose Organic Plant Food and Fertilizer, NutriDense (5oz) by Humane [NPK 6-4-3]
$12.46 Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose and Shake 'N Feed Plant Food Bundle: Feeds Flowers, Vegetables, Trees, and Houseplants
$14.50 Better Gro Orchids, Bromeliads & Houseplant Slow Release Plant Food / Fertilizer [FERT25]
$13.97 ($0.87 / oz) Indoor Plant Food by E Z-GRO 15-30-15 (PT) | Liquid Plant Food for Your Indoor Plants | Our Liquid Fertilizer Increases Bud Set in Flowering | Our Indoor Plant Fertilizer has High Phosphorus Level
$22.99 Espoma 8 Ounce Concentrated Organic Indoor Plant Food - Indoor Plant Fertilizer For Large & Small Plants Like Pothos, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Monstera, Snake & Palms - Pack of 3
Koristite donji obrazac za izabrati:
tip biljke (Unutarnja Biljka)
raspored unutarnjih biljaka © 2024-2025 Ukrasne Biljke, Cvatući grmovi i drveta, Sobne cvijeće, Kaktusi i sukulenti
Vrtne Cvjetovi, Ukrasne Biljke