$56.95 ($1.19 / oz) Keyfit Tools Tree Fertilizer Spike Land Staker 2.0 Get Your Fertilizer Spikes 1 Foot Deeper for Deep Root Tree & Shrub Fertilizing ~Or use Your own granular Fertilizer Does NOT Come with fert Spikes
$27.68 Espoma Holly-tone 4-3-4 Natural & Organic Evergreen & Azalea Plant Food; 18 lb. Bag; The Original & Best Fertilizer for all Acid Loving Plants including Rhododendrons & Hydrangeas.
$33.45 Jobes vznmYB Rose Fertilizer Spikes 9-12-9 Time Release Fertilizer for All Flowering Shrubs, 10 Spikes (4 Pack)
$25.22 fertilome Tree And Shrub Fertilizer
$29.85 Jobe’s Organics Rose Fertilizer Spikes, 3-5-3 Time Release Fertilizer for All Flowering Shrubs, 10 Spikes per Package (2, Original Version)
$73.88 The Andersons Professional PGF Complete 16-4-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG 10,000 sq.ft.