Akvarijske Ribice Indian Goatfish, Parupeneus indicus fotografija, opis in značilnosti, rast in nega

Akvarijske Ribice Indian Goatfish (vložki)

latinsko ime: Parupeneus indicus

Akvarijske Ribice Indian Goatfish, Parupeneus indicus vložki fotografija

Akvarijske Ribice Indian Goatfish (Parupeneus indicus) fotografija

rast in nega:

stopnja negozmerno
plasti habitata v akvarijuspodnji sloj, srednji sloj
tip akvarijazapri, odprt
združljivostz velikim mirne ribe
dno v akvarijugrobi pesek, koralni greben
minimalna velikost akvarijane manj kot 1000 litrov
svetlobne potrebezmerno
temperatura vodeblizu 25°c

Indian Goatfish značilnosti in opis:

družinakoza ribe
telo oblika ribpodolgovata
barva ribvložki
habitatmorske ribe
dolžina rib30-50 cm

Lahko kupite Akvarijske Ribice Indian Goatfish v spletnih trgovinah.

katalog: Akvarijske Ribice

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Bicolor Goatfish
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Dash-In-Dot Goatfish (Rumena Nazaj Goatfish)
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Goldsaddle Goatfish (Rumena Goatfish)
Dolgoročno Mrene Goatfish
Dolgoročno Mrene Goatfish
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Commerson Je Grdobina (Commersons Morske Spake)

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

2,90 €

8,15 €

19,99 €

10,90 €

9,99 €

109,00 €

17,00 € (17,00 € / stück)

12,99 €

11,98 € (2,00 € / stück)

112,15 €

14,99 €

15,99 €

15,45 €

13,69 €
$0.00 MyReef 3D Aquarium
$1.83 Snap! Pond Aquarium 3D
$236.00 EcoSmart ECO 11 Electric Tankless Water Heater, 13KW at 240 Volts with Patented Self Modulating Technology
Plasmaquarium Aquarium - Fish Tank Video
$13.99 ($1.40 / Count) MyLifeUNIT Artificial Seaweed Water Plants for Aquarium, Plastic Fish Tank Plant Decorations 10 PCS (Green)
$15.39 QZQ 14 Pack Aquarium Fish Tank Decorations Accessories Decor Set Aquarium Decorations Include Resinous Rockery Barrel Hideouts Coral Aquarium Plants and Resin Starfish and Other
$5.99 GloFish Aquarium Gravel, Pink/Green/Blue Fluorescent, 5-Pound, Bag Pink/Green/Blue Fluorescent, 4 x 5 x 9 inches ; 5 pounds (29085)
$14.99 Smoothedo-Pets Aquarium Plants Fish Tank Decorations MediumSize/9.4inch Plastic Artificial Plant Goldfish Waterscape Fish Hides Tree Set (Hot Pink)


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