Jabolka razred fotografija, gojenje in opis, značilnosti in rast

Jabolka Pervyjj salyut razred

Jabolka  Pervyjj salyut razred fotografija

Jabolka Pervyjj salyut razred fotografija

Pervyjj salyut (razred) značilnosti in opis:

barva lupinetemno-rdeča
okussládki in kísli
oblika plodovzaokrožena
velikost plodusrédnja (od 100 do 200 g)
tip krošnjevisoka
barva celulozerumena

gojenje, nega in rast:

zimska trdnostvisoka
obdobje zorenjapoletje, pozni
starost pridelkaod 5 do 7 let

*Nekatere značilnosti so pomembne za zmerno podnebje

Lahko kupite Jabolka Pervyjj salyut v spletnih trgovinah (sadike, semena).

Prosim, pomagajte projektu! Prosim, delite to! Hvala vam!


Prosim, pomagajte projektu: Hvala vam!

13,95 € (13,95 € / liter)

10,05 € (14,36 € / kg)

28,76 €

28,76 €

16,85 € (16,85 € / l)

15,90 €

8,95 € (35,80 € / l)

8,95 € (35,80 € / l)

23,49 €

8,49 € (4,24 € / kilogramm)

29,95 €

36,97 €
$19.95 LawnStar Chelated Liquid Iron (32 OZ) for Plants - Multi-Purpose, Suitable for Lawn, Flowers, Shrubs, Trees - Treats Iron Deficiency, Root Damage & Color Distortion – EDTA-Free, American Made
$22.36 fertilome Tree And Shrub Fertilizer
$24.99 Weatherly Organic Trees and Shrubs Fertilizer Spikes
$36.95 Indian River Organics Fish & Kelp Blend Fish Fertilizer - OMRI Listed Organic Fertilizer 1 Gallon (128 oz) - Liquid Organic Fish and Kelp for Turf, Flowers, Shrubs, Plants, Fruits & Vegetables. Great for Everything that Grows!
$29.99 BioAdvanced Shrub Care Protect & Feed, Granules, 4 lb.
$26.99 GEMPLER'S Liquid Iron Supplement for Plants – Commercial Grade Chelated Iron for Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Crops - 1 Gallon


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Vrtno Cvetje, Okrasne grmičevje in drevesa, Sobne Rastline
Vrtno Cvetje, Okrasne Rastline