3 (od -40 do -34oC), 4 (od -34 do -29oC), 5 (od -29 do -23oC), 6 (od -23 do -18oC), 7 (od -18 do -12oC), 8 (od -12 do -7oC), 9 (od -7 do -1oC), 10 (od -1 do +4oC)
*Nekatere značilnosti so pomembne za zmerno podnebje
Lahko kupite Vrtno Cvetje Razmetljiv Stonecrop v spletnih trgovinah (sadike, semena).
$24.99 Little Planters Paint & Grow Fairy Garden with Real Flowers and Magical Fairies - Paint, Plant and Grow Morning Glory, Marigold and Alyssum Flowers - Craft Kit for Kids All Ages Both Girls and Boys
$8.25 Elephant Ears (colocasia) 3 Bulb- bold tropical effect to and landscape.
$5.99 Sow Right Seeds - Large Full-Color Packet of Mixed Sunflower Seed to Plant - Non-GMO Heirloom - Instructions for Planting - Wonderful Gardening Gift (1)
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