$45.47 Dwarf Burford Holly (2.4 Gallon) Compact Evergreen Shrub with Glossy Green Foliage - Full Sun Live Outdoor Plant…
$32.99 First Editions - Hypericum inodorum Red Star (St. Johns Wort) Shrub, red fruit, #2 - Size Container
$44.95 WATERHOOP Portable Water Sprinkler and Irrigation System - Easily Water Trees, Outdoor Plants, Flower Beds & Shrubs - Durable, Adjustable, & Lasts Longer Than a Soaker Hose, Large
$25.64 Dwarf Burning Bush 4" Pot Hardy Shrub Live Plants (Euonymus Alatus)
$44.95 Pragense Viburnum Bush - White Flowering Shrub - Live Plant Shipped 1 to 2 Feet Tall - Best Privacy Hedge by DAS Farms (No California)
$19.97 Japanese Red Maple Tree (1-2 feet Tall) Live Tree