*Vissa egenskaper är relevanta för ett tempererat klimat
Du kan köpa Smultron Lyubasha i nätbutiker (plantor, frön).
Vänligen hjälp projektet!Vänligen dela den!Tack!
Vänligen hjälp projektet:
1,49 €
1,99 € (0,01 € / stück)
3,95 €
12,99 € (1,08 € / stück)
0,01 €
5,14 €
4,80 € (4,80 € / count)
8,59 €
3,39 €
2,99 €
8,95 € (0,99 € / stück)
6,35 € (0,79 € / stück)
$13.09 Fort Laramie Everbearing Strawberry 25 Bare Root Plants - Hardiest Everbearer
$8.93 ($0.09 / Count) SeedsUP - 100+ Alpine Strawberry Baron Solemacher Everbearing - Fruit Red
$9.90 MITRAEE 100pcs Blue Strawberry Fruit Seeds
$29.95 Survival Garden Heirloom Seeds, Victory Garden Seeds - 35 Varieties, 17,000+ Vegetable and Fruit Seeds for Planting Great Emergency Preparedness Items and Bugout Bag Supplies Gear by Gardeners Basics
$7.95 Park Seed Strawberry Fields Gomphrena Seeds
$7.99 Strawberry Popcorn Corn - 50 Seeds - Heirloom & Open-Pollinated Variety, USA-Grown, Non-GMO Vegetable Seeds for Planting Outdoors in The Home Garden, Thresh Seed Company